Tips & Tricks Maintaining and Protecting Your Vehicle During Rainy Season

Weather often becomes one of the accident-causing factors, and heavy rain is no exception, even more when we are entering the months which ended with “ber” which is identic with rainy season. The slippery and flooded roads due to rain, certainly can endanger us when driving. That’s why, there are some tips that you can check to prevent undesirable outcomes, starting from a particular part of your vehicles that directly touch the roads, which is your tires.
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Weather often becomes one of the accident-causing factors, and heavy rain is no exception, even more when we are entering the months which ended with “ber” which is identic with rainy season. The slippery and flooded roads due to rain, certainly can endanger us when driving. That’s why, there are some tips that you can check to prevent undesirable outcomes, starting from a particular part of your vehicles that directly touch the roads, which is your tires.

Let’s check the smart tips and tricks below to drive safely in your beloved car during this rainy season:
Check the surface of your tires
Wet roads due to rain-water absorption, can cause the tires to lose level of traction when rubbing against the road. Therefore, please check the depth of your tire grooves regularly, at least once a week, in order to avoid your vehicle from aquaplaning (gliding across the puddle) and slipping.

Check your tire pressure
Make sure the air pressures in your tires are still adequate to standard. In order to find out the right amount of pressure for your vehicle, try to check the manual or instruction sticker which usually placed on the dashboard or even behind the fuel tank cap.

Use the right type of car
Do not take risks from using the already thin tires, please immediately change your tires for the sake of your safety.  Make sure you are using tires which are suitable to your driving style and your car type. No matter how much you are into your hobby of modifying cars, please do not use land-rover tires for your city-car for example. The slippery road surface as well as the less control on your steering wheel is not risks worth taking

Hopefully, you find the tips and tricks are useful, let’s drive more carefully during this rainy season for the sake of your loved ones that are waiting at home. See you on the next tips and tricks! 

Adapted from various sources:
asapmobil,, & hondaklaten