Premium Payment Procedure for Zurich Topas Life
The premium payment procedures that you need to know for the following insurance products:
For Health
For Future
Our Partner (Bank Tabungan Negara)
Our Partner (Bank Mayapada Internasional)
For Additional Protection
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A. Bank Central Asia (BCA) Virtual Account
1. Advanced Premium
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 01163 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 12345678 |
Customer’s VA Number | 0116312345678 |
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2. Single Top Up Payment (Ad Hoc)
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 12432 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 12345678 |
Customer’s VA Number | 1243212345678 |
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3. Premium Leave Payment/Premium Holiday (Automatic Premium Holiday/APH)
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 12554 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 12345678 |
Customer’s VA Number | 1255412345678 |
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4. Arrears Premium Payment (Polis Status Lapse)
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 12554 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 12345678 |
Customer’s VA Number | 1255412345678 |
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5. Automatic Premium Loan / APL
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 12553 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 12345678 |
Customer’s VA Number | 1255312345678 |
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B. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Virtual Account
Company Code of PT Zurich Topas Life | 23111 |
Customer’s (Policyholder) Policy Number | 87654321 |
Customer’s VA Number | 2311187654321 |
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How to use BCA and BRI virtual account, view attachment:
Bank Mayapada | 100-300-17161 |
Account Name | PT Zurich Topas Life |
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A. For Debit BCA, Danamon, Mandiri, Mayapada, Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) dan Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)
Document | BCA | Danamon | Mandiri | Mayapada | BTN | BRI |
Power of Attorney for Account Debit | ||||||
A valid copy of ID Card (KTP), SIM, or Passport (with signature) | ||||||
A copy of the front page of the passbook |
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- The name and address in the passbook must be the same as the ID card (KTP), SIM or Passport (update the data to each bank).
- The minimum balance follows the provisions of each type of savings.
- Not allowed to use my Savings Account.
- For debit BRI accounts, the first premium is cut off until the 25th of every month.
- BCA Xpresi stages are allowed by attaching a photocopy of the ATM.
- All products except Zurich Investa Plus.
B. Giro Individual Account Debit (only for debit account BCA)
- Fill a Power of Attorney for Debit Account
- A valid copy of ID card and Passport.
- A copy of the front page of the passbook (the name on the Giro account must be the same as the ID).
- Account debit must be in the name of the Policy Holder, if using an account in the name of another person, it must be a member of the main family (husband/wife, children, or parents) or the company.
- If the account holder is a main family, then additional requirements must be attached:
- Family card.
- Individual Beneficial Owner Form.
- Copy of valid ID or Passport (with signature).
- Apabila pemilik rekening perusahaan harus menggunakan rekening tabungan atau giro atas nama perorangan dan Pemegang Polis harus atas nama Perusahaan atau orang yang ditunjuk oleh Perusahaan tersebut serta wajib melampirkan persyaratan tambahan:
- Articles of Association including the latest changes.
- Business License.
- Certificate of domicile.
- Latest Financial Statement.
- Tax ID number (NPWP).
- Power of attorney on the appointment signed by CEO.
- A valid passport and KIMS/KITAS of the attorney (WNA).
- A valid copy of ID card of the attorney (WNI).
- Form of Beneficial Owner non individual.
- Attach list of employee names signed by company’s CEO.
C. Credit Card Debit
- Fill a Power of Attorney for Credit Card Debit.
- A valid copy of ID card and Passport for Credit Card Owners and Policy Holders.
- A copy of the front page of the credit card.
- First Premium Payment and Continuing Premium by credit card must be in the name of the Policy Holder/Insured and may not be in the name of anyone.
- If the credit card debit payment is rejected, then the re-debit process will be carried out a maximum of 2 (two) times and if it is rejected again, the Policy Holder is advised to make a payment through a Virtual Account.
- Not allowed to use Visa Electron or MasterCard Electron.
- Not allowed for Single Top Up Premium payment.
- Policy holders are required to inform PT Zurich Topas Life with the expiry date of the new Credit Card.
- If there is a change in the Credit Card number, the Authorizer is required to fill out and re-sign the Power of Attorney.
- In the event of cancellation of premium payment (First or Advanced Premium) at the request of the Policy Holder, the costs incurred as a result of debiting the Credit Card are the responsibility of the Authorizer (customer) and the refund is immediately deducted from the premium that has been debited (charges for credit cards according to Bank regulations).
Schedule of Debit Accounts and Credit Cards:
The schedule for Debiting Credit Cards and Bank BCA/ Bank Mandiri/ Bank Danamon and BRI Accounts is as follows:
Due Date | Debit Date | Description |
16 s/d 30/31 | 1* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
1 s/d 15 | 16* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
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*) If the date is on a holiday, the debit will be made on the next working day.
Specifically for Bank BCA debits, the following will be re-debited:
- 8th** for policies that fail to debit on the 1st.
- 25th** for policies that fail to debit on the 16th.
**) If the date is on a holiday, the debit will be made on the next working day.
Bank Mayapada Account Debit Schedule is as follows:
Due Date | Debit Date | Description |
16 s/d 30/31 | 1* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
1 s/d 15 | 16* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
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*) If the date is on a holiday, the debit will be made on the next working day.
BTN Account Debit Schedule is as follows:
Due Date | Debit Date | Description |
16 s/d 30/31 | 10* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
1 s/d 15 | 25* | If it fails, it will be debited in the next period. |
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Information regarding debits and debit failures will be sent via SMS to customers with the following conditions:
- 3 days before the debit date.
- 3 days after getting the results from the bank.
- Open Tokopedia application and enter the Top Up & Billing menu then select Insurance Premium.
- Select Zurich Topas Life insurance.
- Input the policy number then click Check Bills.
- Input the amount of the premium to be paid (the amount of premium paid cannot be more than the amount stated in Total Billing).
- Check the Policy Number, Insured Name, Product, and Premium Amount. If it is correct, continue to payment.
- Select an available payment method such as e-wallet, virtual account, Debit Card, and other payment methods.
- Your insurance premium bill has been paid successfully.
Additional Information:
- Premiums are declared valid if they have been received in the PT Zurich Topas Life account and will be allocated to the number of units no later than 3 (three) working days afterward.
- Transfer fees are the responsibility of the customer.
- Premium acceptance is not allowed in the form of:
- Cash (physical form).
- Bilyet Giro & Bilyet Cash (physical form)
- Travel Check.
- Cards that cannot be identified by the owner of the funds (eg E-Money Mandiri, Flash BCA, Brizzi BRI and the like).
- The customer pays all premiums related to Zurich products using the Virtual Account payment method to an account that has been determined by Zurich from time to time.
- Excess premium under Rp 25,000 will not be refunded.
- If there is an overpayment of more than IDR 25,000, the funds will be returned to the original sender's account. In the event that the initial account cannot be identified and the sender is different from the Policy Holder, the Company has the right to request additional forms/information regarding the account holder. (Customers fill in the Premium Return Form).
- For Renewal Policies with a monthly payment method, they must use the account debit payment method or credit card debit method.
- The company will send a reminder SMS a week before the due date.
- In the event of cancellation of premium payments (First or Continuing Premium) at the request of the Policy Holder, the costs incurred as a result of debiting the Credit Card will be borne by the Authorizer (customer) and the refund is immediately deducted from the premium that has been debited (charges for credit cards in accordance with the provisions of Bank).
- The company will send a thank you SMS for every premium received from the customer.

Premium Payment Procedure for Zurich Asuransi Indonesia