Asuransi Harta Benda

Property Insurance

Help protect your business assets from the risk of disasters or events that can cause potential damage.

Product Benefit

Your business assets are very important to support your business now and in the future. Protect your valuable business assets from the risk of natural disasters that can happen at any time.

Zurich Property Insurance can protect: buildings, machinery and stock of goods while operating or not operating. Property Insurance will help reduce your risk of loss


Product Excellence

  • Property Insurance that suits your need
    You can choose protection for your business assets from the insurance package offered by Zurich. There are three Property Insurance packages: Flexas Cover Policy, Property All Risk or Industrial All Risk Policy, and Earthquakes Policy Insurance.
  • Experience in taking on broad and large risks
    Zurich provides protection against various events, both natural disasters and events that can cause asset damage. The following events can occur and are covered by Property Insurance:
    • Fires caused by an electric short
    • Lightning 
    • Explosions or other causes of fire
    • Earthquake 
    • Volcanic eruptions 
    • Landslide 
    • Riots or turmoils
    • Flood 
    • Storm 
    • Hurricane
  • Carrying capacity and reinsurance
    As an international company with local experience, Zurich partners with re-insurance companies that have a large capacity and good reputation in providing risk protection.
Insurance packages Risks covered Extended warranty
Flexas Cover Policy Fires, lightning, explosions, and smoke fires and flexas. Riots, strikes, blockades, landslides, hurricanes, floods, landslides and several other extensions.
Property All Risk or Industrial All Risk Policy

A comprehensive insurance policy covers the risk of flexas and almost all of its extensions

Accidental damage, with due regard to exceptions in the policy
Earthquake Insurance Policy A policy that enhances the Flexas, Property All Risk or Industrial All Risk insurance coverage that covers the risks of: Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Eruption.
  1. War, invasion, strike, riot, evil act, terrorism,
  2. Ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination
  3. Radioactive toxic explosives or other nuclear hazardous materials
  4. Intentional act or omission
  5. Complete or partial termination of work

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Telephone: 1500-456

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Autocillin Mobile Claim

This mobile app based service makes it easy for Autocillin customers to make claims directly, as well as choosing partner workshops available in your city.