
Z Life Credit Personal Loan

Z-Life Credit Protection (Personal Loan) is life insurance product that protect against risk of Death for Bank Mayapada International Tbk. (BMI) Personal Loan Customer.

Main benefit of Z-Life Credit Protection is guarantee loan return with maximum amount as Sum Assured and Funeral Benefit of IDR. 10.000.000 If the Insured (debtor) die due to illness or Accident within the Insurance Coverage Term. Additional benefit is provided for you against Total Permanent Disability (TPD) with decreasing Sum Insured, Accidental Death Benefit, and Death due to Accident with Fixed Sum Insured.

Length of Coverage

Until 75 years old


Based on age & time period of loan

Premium Payment Frequency

Single Premium

Underwriting Method

Full Underwriting


IDR (Rupiah)

Participant age: 17 – 64 years old (last birthday)