Asuransi Mobil Mikro Syariah

Micro Car Insurance Sharia

Protection for Your Car with Affordable Contribution

  • Affordable Contribution
    Get compensation benefits with affordable contributions when your car get a total damage or loss as well as compensation benefits if the car owner suffers a permanent disability or dies while driving.
  • Additional Benefits
    You can also choose additional benefits according to your needs by adjusting your contribution.
  • Double Cover
    Insurance benefits will be paid in full even if you received benefit from other insurance.
  • Easy Process
    The process of submission this product is fast and simple.
  • Managed by Shariah principle of mutual assistance among Participants/policy holders.
  • Provide economic value by surplus sharing at the end of the period for you if you never submitted a claim.
  • Part of the contribution is allocated to pay Zakat through various social activities to support public welfare.
Coverage Standard Package Advance Package
Total Loss
Personal Accident
Third Party Liability
Medical Expense
Ambulance Compensation
Document Management Compensation
Compensation for Loss/Damage of Personal Belongings
Transportation Fee Compensation
Towing Compensation
  • You can have maximum 4 of Micro Auto Insurance for different cars.
  • There is 15 days waiting period from the start of the insurance period.
  • The car insured is a private car or a car for official purposes, with a maximum age of 15 years.

Customer Care 1500-456