Board of Commissioner
Jeti Muliawan
Independent Commissioner
Jeti has been an Independent Commissioner of ZAI since November 2022.
Jeti holds a Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Master of Business Administration from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, United States. Since 2021, Jeti has sat as a member of the Audit Committee at PT Zurich Asuransi Indonesia Tbk.
Previously, Jeti had a long career more than 30 years at HSBC Indonesia (1989 – 2019, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Jakarta), leading various functions including Quality Control & Sustainability, Internal Audit, Operational Risks and Internal Control. Currently, Jeti also holds positions as a member of the Audit Committee and Risk Monitoring Committee at PT Bank Commonwealth (since 2022) and Director of PT Rekan Bisnis dan Investasi Indonesia (Indonesia Business Partners, since 2020).

Zurich General Takaful Indonesia
PT Zurich General Takaful Indonesia (Zurich Syariah) is a member of global Zurich Insurance Group. Zurich Syariah is offering general insurance products that are governed by the sharia principles.
Zurich Syariah carries out the Wakalah Bil Ujrah and Tabarru’ agreement to manage customer risk and contribution, with the aim of virtue and mutual assistance.

Zurich Topas Life
Zurich Topas Life providing the right solutions according to every individual needs for each stage of life, with comprehensive protection and financial planning products. Zurich Topas Life is committed to be the leading life insurance company in Indonesia for its customers, employees, shareholders and business partners.
Zurich Topas Life is a life insurance company that is registered and under supervision of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Indonesian Financial Service Authority).